Now that I am in placement, what am I supposed to be doing? – 2024 Update
- Sending us your contact details! – complete the contact sheet at the front of the Work Profile (form 1), along with the Placement Provider checklist (form 2 and the Student Placement Checklist (form 3), and post to David Forrest as soon as possible after starting your placement. (Email to
- On the contact sheet, try to provide an accurate description of the work and area you are involved in.
- Show your Work Profile to your industry supervisor, he/she will be making an input to this. You should at least have filled in some initial objectives! After a couple of weeks in placement, enter some information into the skills matrix and get your supervisor to do likewise.
- We will let you know who your academic supervisor is; they will then be in contact with you to arrange a visit. We will let you know who your supervisor will be in the November of your placement year.
- Complete your 2000 word literature review and submit it in the February of your placement year.
- Continue to input information into your Work Profile log throughout your placement.
- Preferably, before you finish your placement, you should complete your 6000-word report. This will need to be checked by the company before it can be “released” to check for confidentiality issues.
- Before you leave, do make sure that your industry supervisor has completed the skills matrix and final section of your Work Profile, also any input to your C&G log, if you are completing this.
- On return to Leeds, you will need to supply us with a copy of your report and Work Profile.